During the weeks leading up to the U.S. Presidential Election in fall 2012, over 1,400 German EFL students in more than 100 courses across the country participated in an interactive project to predict the outcome of the election. Each class was assigned a U.S. state to research and together their predictions formed a mock election of the U.S. President in the week prior to the actual elections. The result: These students’ predictions were more accurate than many polls published in U.S. national media. Moreover, their predictions were assembled in different categories of creative multimedia products, many of which were published online by the students themselves for the general web-audience. Below is a selection of some of these remarkable learner texts.

Facebook photo gallery from the concluding event in Berlin on November 5, 2012
The Prediction
The students predicted the Democratic ticket winning the 2012 Presidential election. Only the results in two out of fifty states, Michigan and Virginia, were predicted inaccurately.

Student Products
Of all courses in the project, more than 70 contributed their predictions. Different creative learner products were submitted in the categories Website/Blog, Poster, Presentation, Comic and Poem, Newspaper, Video, Animation, and Song. The following submissions were awarded prizes or mentioned for their outstanding quality, originality, creativity, and accuracy.
Award-Winning Contributions
Wolfgang-Borchert-Gymnasium, Halstenbek (class grade 13, teacher: Ms. Natascha Milde)
URL: http://www.uselection.coriox.de/
Poster: “Romney Wins Kansas!”
Herder-Gymnasium Berlin (class grade 11, teacher: Ms. Ann-Ev Weißig)
URL: http://us-election.explorarium.de/mod/resource/view.php?id=25909
Presentation: “Who Will Win the Presidential Elections in New Mexico?”
Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium Neubrandenburg (class grade 11; teacher: Ms. Beate Rentsch)
URL: http://orlives.de/presentation/ (navigate using the arrow keys)
Comic and Poem
Comic and poem: “Obama for President Pennsylvania”
Sophie-Scholl-Schule Berlin (class grade 13; teacher: Ms. Andrea von Mitzlaff)
URL: http://us-election.explorarium.de/pluginfile.php/30270/mod_resource/content/3/Pr%C3%A4sentation1.pdf
Newspaper: “The Charleston Gazette”
Katholische Theresienschule Berlin (teacher: Ms. Karina Klüssendorf)
URL: http://us-election.explorarium.de/mod/resource/view.php?id=25910
News show: “Indi News: Election Central”
Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge Gymnasium Oranienburg (class grade 11; teacher: Dr. Martina Jaenichen-Koepp)
URL: http://youtu.be/u8MWaWxNLx0
Animation video: “For Whom is Massachusetts Going to Vote?”
Askanisches Gymnasium Berlin (class grade 12; teacher: Mr. Matthias Klaudius)
URL: http://youtu.be/gzIzboWnMmc
Song: “Oh Alaska”
Leibniz-Gymnasium Berlin (class grade 12; teacher: Ms. Martina Kaltenbacher)
URL: http://youtu.be/mtJKVK2bl4c
Presentation and song: “Roll on, Obama, Roll on”
Sophie-Charlotte-Oberschule Berlin (teacher: Ms. Martina Scheyhing)
URL: http://us-election.explorarium.de/pluginfile.php/30273/mod_resource/content/5/Untitled.mp4
News report: “Mississippi 24/7 News”
Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium Berlin (teacher: Ms. Silke Janssen)
URL: http://youtu.be/S5b4F7ygLEE
Video and presentation: “The Election in North Dakota”
Gustav-Heinemann-Schule Berlin (teacher: Pia Lassahn)
URL: http://youtu.be/tWuDV9MANbU
Interactive cube: How is Washington D.C. Going to Vote?
Gymnasium Philanthropinum Dessau (class grade 12; teacher: Ms. Heike Piornak)
URL: http://us-election.explorarium.de/mod/resource/view.php?id=25913
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