Tag Archives: Religion

Anabaptist Influences on American Religious Pluralism

This paper begins by addressing two prevalent misconceptions that plague contemporary popular and scholarly understandings of the Anabaptist tradition. The first is that the early Anabaptist movement stems from a radicalization of the basic theological tendencies and practices of the Magisterial Protestant Reformation. This misconception will be countered by an examination of earlier Anabaptist understandings of divine grace and related theological emphases in comparison to the medieval Catholic and Magisterial Protestant options. The second misconception this paper challenges is the notion that Anabaptist thought and practice represent only minority and isolated tendencies in American life. The paper concludes with a reflection on Anabaptist understandings of community in relation to American religious pluralism.

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From Sunday School to #SundayFunday: Social Media and the Semi-Public Performance of the Weekend

The paper focuses on the role of internet technologies in the mediation of weekend activities in social networks, arguing that internet technologies facilitate and shape the social activities once occupied by more traditional institutions, namely religious communities. It compares three contemporary weekend events that have serve as identity-constructing performances in ways that religious communities have in the past. The three events are social drinking, exercise/fitness, and Sunday brunch.

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